I'm seeing life increasingly through a lens of my contribution toward goodness, life, and grace and then my efforts that take away from these things. I'm only one life, just like any of us. And I want my life to be given toward positive contributions of the whole. That's the way of Jesus of Nazareth, whom I'm patterning my life after. So it seems to me that being a citizen of the whole is a choice that you can't assume. And it's the path I've chosen to follow.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Have you ever done this before?

I received a call this past weekend from a friend in Texas. We hadn't spoken since our last visit, six months ago. As we caught up on our lives I told him about my work with Ken McCord in the NHance Wood Renewal business. (Check out our blog for great before and after pics of jobs we've done recently: www.woodrenewal.blogspot.com). He seemed really surprised and asked several clarifying questions. Why are you doing this? What about being a pastor? What about getting your Ph.D.? Then, the kicker: "Dave, did you have any experience refinishing wood?" Great question! My answer: NO. I told him, I'm confident that I'm meant to do this. And that I have the abilities and resources to do it. There is something at stake greater than any plans and goals I might have set for myself. In truth, I'm certain that today's world requires a different kind of pastor and Christians with a different posture. With NHance we're doing this as vehicle to being the people of God in our world. Not centered in a church building. Not centered in a religious worker vocation. But rooted in our identity as children of light. The stories are already emerging of profound moments, divine openings, and opportunies to reconnect faith with everyday life. 90% of the time its just work. And that's what it's meant to be: work that is sacred becuause the Divine is all over! Like Jesus of Nazareth, I'm seeing evidence of the Father's handywork in so many unexpected venues and lives. It wasn't enexpected to him, like me, but then I have no reason to be surprised.

Back to my friends questions, I wasn't completely honest. I did have a little experience. Back when Marcia and I bought our home at 318 Holloway in SF we learned the traditional refinishing process in a trial by fire. There were waves in that floor that any sander would be ashamed of. But it worked for this do-it-your-selfer. No sanding with NHance. To get a glimse into our work and how it's revolutionizing the way people think about caring for their wood cabinets and floors, check out our company site. www.nhance.com

1 comment:

Siggy Islander said...

Wow David - awesome job! Talk about redemption and resurrection!