I'm seeing life increasingly through a lens of my contribution toward goodness, life, and grace and then my efforts that take away from these things. I'm only one life, just like any of us. And I want my life to be given toward positive contributions of the whole. That's the way of Jesus of Nazareth, whom I'm patterning my life after. So it seems to me that being a citizen of the whole is a choice that you can't assume. And it's the path I've chosen to follow.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Inclusion and Hositality

This is a picture over looking the OMI Festival last year. It takes place around the corner from our office on Ocean Ave.

Last night we opened up our office for a community fund raiser. The fund-raiser is for our upcoming OMI International Family Festival. It's Sept. 13. I invited some folkes from First Baptist Church, the church my family is part of. I had a couple of conversations about why we're investing into our community. as I explained some of why our business opens it's doors for community event, I used the word hospitality to describe our posture toward the neighborhood. Our store front office is a place of inclusion and hospitality. Inclusion is one of the things I like most about our team. There are really many qualities that make for an amazing bunch. But, people who include are the kind of people I like to be around most. I think that's a church at it's best too - hospitable.

1 comment:

bud mccord said...

I love you passion for people and for their good.
Bud McCord