citizen of the whole

I'm seeing life increasingly through a lens of my contribution toward goodness, life, and grace and then my efforts that take away from these things. I'm only one life, just like any of us. And I want my life to be given toward positive contributions of the whole. That's the way of Jesus of Nazareth, whom I'm patterning my life after. So it seems to me that being a citizen of the whole is a choice that you can't assume. And it's the path I've chosen to follow.

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Starting places

I got an email today that reads:


Thank you again! He already took a few spins on it. Look forward to catching up again.


That note is priceless! Recently Steve and I agreed we'd pass on Conor's old bike to Jason Hong. That little red bike had been used by each of my three children. It's not a very impressive bike. I picked it up for David back in 1998 when he was 4 years old. I got it from a garage sale in Anaheim. I spent $50 on new parts, tires, paint job and it was ready to go. Each of my children learned to ride on that bike.

Fast forward thirteen years to 2011 and we're planning to pass on to Jason. But it needs new tires, so I head to Ocean Cyclery in SF to pick them up from Jeff. He quickly says, "Dave, that bike has seen better days. Check out this mint condition bike I have for $50." This $50 bike is LIKE NEW! It looks awesome! If I'm a little boy, that's exactly the bike I want. So, I invested the money into Jason Hong as a gift. What you don't know about Jason is that he has some developmental issues. The doctors tell Steve and Cathy to treat Jason like he's handicapped.

Steve told me he doesn't want training wheels for Jason's bike. He doesn't want him to rely on them. And that's the kind of parenting they're using to raise Jason. Steve didn't know it, but he inspired me that day with that simple statement. And that's why I bought the great little bike from Ocean Cyclery. I view it as an investment into Jason because his Daddy believes in him. There are few things more powerful than a blessing from your Father. With that kind of starting place a little boy can go far in life. Jason: you're blessed. Keep riding young boy, keep riding.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Aliens And Strangers

Thanks to the Lam family for hosting a special small group meeting tonight. My faith is richer because of the other Jesus people in my life.

"Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul."

It's a strange thing to consider myself an alien in the only home I've known. But, that's just what the Bible calls on God's people to do. Today, I explained this to Conor, my 8 year old son. Well, I tried. My second attempt is this written statement:

"Conor, when you see your friends whining and fussing because they didn't get their way... You don't do that! You won't always get your way because you're not the center of the world. You can't do all the things you see other kids doing, because we're not like other families. We're supposed to be different because we're following Jesus. We don't just do whatever we want. We think about what we do first. And we control our emotions. Conor, you're a child of God. That means you live differently. Be who you're meant to be! I'm proud of you and love you with all I've got." Dad

U.S. History - A church in the capitol building.

If you've haven't visited Washington D.C. it's worth doing. America has many unique features in our society. They were built into the fabric of the country at the founding. Certainly, things have changed. Some for the good and some not. One thing that is in our fabric is faith. Check out this link that shows off some paintings in the capitol. There were 3 different churches that met in the capitol. And much of this was led by Thomas Jefferson, who is often noted as one of the more "secular" founders. Wow! Don't miss it. Faith was in his actions. Check out this link.

Monday, January 03, 2011

Leadership Parenting

At the end of today, Marcia brought the kids to our office to help take down the Christmas decorations. I notice that when Jillian and Conor come into the office they respond with curiosity to my work. As I'm busy doing what I'm supposed to be doing, they want to come around me. They want to see what I'm doing, ask questions about it, and just be with me. Now, don't get me wrong. Every child should want to be around their dad. And I love that I have my children's interest. Even David, our teenager responds this way. I actually think they see something that they know is good and right. They see me taking care of my responsibilities and they are drawn to it.

I think there is a powerful lesson here. Leaders naturally take care of lots of things that no one else notices. The things leaders do protect those under their influence. Children, whether they realize it or not, want to be protected. This inspires me to lead for the sake of my children. They need to learn how to engage their responsibilities. If they don't learn it from their daddy and mommy, then who?

Friday, December 31, 2010

Rear Guard

"But you will not leave in haste or go in flight; for the Lord will go before you; the God of Israel will be your rear guard." Isaiah 52:12

This verse reminds me of the phrase, "I've got your back!" When you know someone has your back, it sets you at ease. Really when that someone is a someone you know you can trust, that's what sets you at ease. I'm interested in having that level of trust in God. When I'm not there, it's not about God's ability to deliver. It has more to do with my ability to place my trust. I've been asking myself - "Do I trust God with who I really am?" By that I mean, without trying to hide things. The things I hide show my areas of needed growth. if I have to hide the real me from those I want to trust, something is off. Intent doesn't get you there if you don't follow through to completion.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Fountains of potential

"All of my fountains are in you" Psalm 87:7 (NIV)

Capacity and potential. It's fair to ask, "What am I capable of?" It makes me evaluate my ambition. And what prospects for growth are in me? That question speaks to my desire and plan for growth. In My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers says, "It is the saddest thing to see people in the service of God depending... on what they have by the accident of heredity." Natural ability can take me far, no doubt. But, what I'm after is to delve deep into my potential because of who God is and that Divine potential in me. Fountains of God in me means something beyond myself can propel accomplishments. A note: One thing I know about the character of God is that self-centered pursuits are dead end pursuits. We're meant to bless beyond ourselves. That's the potential we're talking about here. My prayer for today: "Lord, I'm yours. I submit my life to you, for your use and pleasure. May your fountains flow through this life." Amen.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I see myself in my children -Good and bad

Sunday night I had one of the most powerful moments I've had with one of my children. Jillian broke a window at our house with a rock. It's a small window, not a major deal. Marcia found out first and was inspecting the damage. Jillian broke it by accident. She was hiding a unique looking rock as part of a game with Conor and our neighbor Allyssa. I walked into it and started by teaching Jillian that rocks and windows don't mix. Then, I told her I was proud that she came to mom and told her the truth about it. Pause. I could tell by the look on Jillian's face and Marcia's that something was off. Unpause. What actually happened was that Allyssa came over and said, "Jillian, my mom thinks you need to tell your parents you broke the window." Ouch! Can I just say, my blood started to boil? I was ticked. But I did have enough sense to ask God to be with me as a discipline my little one.

I seriously was not mad about that window. It was all about her hiding the truth. But, I realized that I have done the same thing many times. I'm an adult and I have tried to hide my mistakes out of self-preservation. I think God gave me a good memory in that moment to taper my anger. It turned out to be a couple of hours of helping Jillian conquer fear! More later. Dinner is ready...