I'm seeing life increasingly through a lens of my contribution toward goodness, life, and grace and then my efforts that take away from these things. I'm only one life, just like any of us. And I want my life to be given toward positive contributions of the whole. That's the way of Jesus of Nazareth, whom I'm patterning my life after. So it seems to me that being a citizen of the whole is a choice that you can't assume. And it's the path I've chosen to follow.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


A few hours ago I walked near the Embarcadero and the Bay Bridge. I was going home after a meeting. I found myself noticing a part of the city I hadn't really walked before. The best way to discover a place is to walk it. You get to see things in a different light. Most of the time I'm in this area it's to get to another area: the ball park to the south or China Town to the north.

I enjoy looking at tall buildings -they're amazing feats of creativity... elevators, steel structures, glass, design. Can you imagine that prior to the industrial revolution there was no such thing as a steel frame? Therefore no buildings taller than wood could support... No elevators... Now cities can grow as vertically as we can imagine.

That old saying about smelling the roses - the streets, people, and buildings became the roses of the moment. Even the BART ride finds a whole slew of diverse people to watch and interact among. The thirty-something anglo guy who moved over for me... The tiny middle-aged Chinese lady I gave my seat over to... The football player sized youth who stood six inches from the subway listening to his IPod as the train raced by...

I need to make sure and talk a good walk every now and again. And the best part of it was winding up at home with Jillian and Conor giving me a huge hug. :-)

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